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Streetscape: Interim Findings

by Roderick Floud – 10th June 2022
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Streetscape Project – Interim Findings

There will be a special meeting of the Village Society in the Library at 8pm on Wednesday, 22nd June (tea and coffee available from 7.30pm).

The meeting will discuss the interim findings of the Streetscape Project of Haddenham Parish Council (with the support of Buckinghamshire Council), which is designed to examine options for redesigning key road locations in the village to improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclsts.

The speakers will be Annabel Keegan, lead consultant on the project, and David Truesdale, Chairman of the Parish Council, followed by questions and discussion.

All members are invited to attend the meeting in the Library.

Annabel will be speaking via Zoom and it will be possible for those who are not able to attend to join the Zoom session – details to be circulated later.

The whole of the meeting will also be livestreamed via the Haddenham.net Facebook page and the recording will be available there.

As those who attended the consultation on the project arranged by the Parish Council will know, residents and the consultants have put forward a number of significant proposals for changes to road alignments and other means of improving the safety and attractiveness of our streets.

It is very important that there is full public discussion of these proposals and the meeting has been arranged to contribute to that discussion.

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