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Streetscape Ideas Welcomed

by Alan Thawley – 26th June 2022
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hvs streetscapes meeting 22jun22annabel keegan

On Wednesday 22nd June, at a public meeting hosted by the Village Society, approximately 40 villagers gathered in the library to hear Annabel Keegan of Phil Jones Associates present feedback on the initial designs she and her team have been developing for the Parish Council's Streetscape review of traffic and transport in the village.

Annabel's overview summarised residents' feedback in response to the online survey, following the initial ideas aimed at improving road design in key areas of Haddenham to provide greater safety for pedestrians and cyclists.

Her talk was presented to the library audience via Zoom, and simulatneously streamed live to the Haddenham dotNet Facebook page

You can watch the full video recording linked below for details, but in summary, the 172 people who responded to the online survey strongly endorsed the consultants' toolkit of options for making our streets less cluttered, safer and more people friendly, and this was mirrored by the audience on the night.

Some concerns were raised, for instance around parking in Fort End, and these will be addressed in the revised designs to be presented at an exhibition on 13th July.

The July event will be another opportunity to meet the PJA team in person, and also to see further proposals for more areas of the village, including Thame Road and the station, Stanbridge Road and Rosemary Lane.

We will publish more details shortly.

Here's the link to watch the June meeting. The Facebook livestream commenced 14 minutes before the start of Annable's presentation, so viewers may wish to 'fast forward' the recording to that point, so as to avoid listening to background conversations ahead of the meeting start!

Recorded Video Link

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