The Haddenham Village Society has been a prime mover in gaining support for creating and publishing a Neighbourhood Plan – an important document that we hope will help to shape any future development for the village.
The Parish Council agreed to this strategy in mid-2013, and the Plan was submitted and approved by AVDC early in 2015. At a local referendum in July 2015, the NP was accepted by 86% of voters. More recently, AVDC has been looking to complete its own 'Local Plan', with wider implications for development across the Vale. There is pressure on AVDC to provide up to 30,000 homes in the Vale of Aylesbury over the next 20+ years. This appears to have created a situation in which AVDC may ignore certain aspects of Haddenham's NP.
The Village Society will continue to defend our NP as it is the voice of Haddenham residents, democratically arrived at through careful and painstaking consultations. We will keep residents informed of ongoing challenges. For the latest situation, please see the detailed commentary kindly provided by David Truesdale, Chairman of the Planning Committee of Haddenham Parish Council, following his presentation to the Village Society meeting held on 14 January 2016.
David's commentary is published on the community website – please click here. For more information, please contact Sir Roderick Floud (Tel: 01844 291086).