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Concerns Over HAD007

by HVS Webteam – 11th October 2018
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had007 site plan  revised sep18

In mid-September developers submitted a revised planning application in respect of land to the west of Churchway, immediately north of Rosemary Lane. The plot is listed as HAD007 on our Neighbourhood Plan.

The planning reference is 17/02280/AOP (increased housing to 269, up from 239).

You can see the details here – be patient, the site is slow to load!

  • Do you want to see up to 263 houses built on the fields behind Rosemary Lane, Rudds Lane and Dollicott, adjoining a designated conservation area?
  • Is our village able to cope with the added traffic?
  • Do we have the infrastructure to adequately support all the new homes?
  • Shouldn't AVDC Planners finalise the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan before considering applications such as this?

Many residents have expressed concerns over this development in the past. Unfortunately, with a renewed planning application, it may be necessary for such concerns to be submitted to AVDC once again.

If you are inclined to voice your concerns, listed below are some legitimate planning issues that you may wish to reference, rather than drawing on emotive points that will not be considered by the planning authorities.

There's still time to have your say – but the deadline is very close: Next Tuesday, 16th October 2018.

Issues you might want to comment on:

  • Water and drainage provision (including issues related potential flooding and Haddenham Stream, see the previous article on this issue here)
  • Transport & traffic impact
  • Insufficient access, including those for pedestrians
  • Conservation area & heritage concerns
  • Lack of joined-up thinking – where does this development fit with the rest of Haddenham's development and the VALP?

You can see comments already submitted on this latest application and on two previous applications to the same site via the link to AVDC's site. Here's the online link once again.

All comments to AVDC must be submitted by Tuesday 16th October 2018 via their site or by post

By post:
Planning Policy, Aylesbury Vale District Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8FF

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more and to be kept in touch with applications relating to this and other local sites, please contact Rosemarylaneaction@gmail.com

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