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Community Fair 2023

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Haddenham Village Society hosted another very successful Community Fair in the village hall on Saturday 14th October, with some thirty-eight different clubs, societies and service providers taking part as exhibitors or offering performances and demonstrations.

The event provided a glimpse of some of the wonderful hobbies, pastimes and support services that residents can access in this village and enabled hard working volunteers to showcase their passions and fund raising achievements.

The organisations represented included:

  • Abbeyfield Haddenham Society
  • Community Owned Blooming Fruity
  • Buckinghamshire Family Information Service
  • Buckinghamshire Genealogical Society
  • Buckinghamshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
  • Churches Together in Haddenham (CTiH)
  • Florence Nightingale Hospice Support Group
  • Haddenham & District Rotary Club
  • Haddenham &Waddesdon Community Board
  • Haddenham Antique and Collectors Fair
  • Haddenham Association of Scouts & Guides
  • Haddenham Beer Festivals Trust
  • Haddenham Community Library
  • Carrie' – The Haddenham Community Vehicle
  • Haddenham Cricket Club
  • Friday Bridge Club
  • Haddenham Handbell Ringers
  • Haddenham Horticultural Society
  • Haddenham Museum
  • Haddenham.net community website & Facebook page
  • Haddenham Parish Council
  • Haddenham Players
  • Haddenham Safe Walking and Cycling Group
  • Haddenham Screen – Community Cinema
  • Haddenham University of the Third Age (u3a)
  • Haddenham Youth Club
  • Haddenham Youth Football Club
  • Haddenham Youth Theatre
  • Village Hall Management Committee
  • Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
  • More Than Brushes & Friday Art Group
  • Royal British Legion
  • Thame and Haddenham Choral Society
  • The Sixty Plus Club
  • Witchert Chorale
  • Zero Carbon Haddenham

The primary organisers on behalf of the Village Society committee were Alison Watt and Juanita Hughes, with valuable support from Teresa Roberts.

The Village Society would like to extend its sincere thanks to members of the Zero Carbon Haddenham group and other volunteers for staffing the refreshments cafe and to all those Village Society members who donated a wonderful range of tempting cakes and helped to set up tables for the Fair.

Thanks are also extended to the Treble Clefs (from HStM CE School), Catherine Porter from Haddenham Community Library, two lovely ladies from the Spinners and Weavers Guild and Steve Gregory from Fitlife for providing performances, stories for little ones and live demonstrations

Thanks are also due to the Parish Council, DAF Trucks and Tim Russ & Co for their financial assistance.

If you would like to access the booklet summarising details, including contact information, for all the exhibitors, please click on the PDF file available on this page.

There are lots more photographs to enjoy in the Galleries section on the Community website, Haddenham.net

© 1965 – 2024 Haddenham Village Society